Customer Approach
Customer communication and support
Ericom is taking active measures to respond to the fluid coronavirus challenges. In these unprecedented times, we want to reassure you we are committed to supporting your business. We are continuing with business as usual activities and are constantly monitoring and managing these risks in guidance with the Australian and State Government official warnings.
Remote support
In the current environment we do not anticipate any disruptions to remote support for any of our clients.
On-site visits
For all on-site visits, Ericom staff are directed to contact the client before proceeding on-site. Site visits are reviewed by Ericom management on a case-by-case basis and in consultation with our clients and staff observing the social/physical distancing and lockdown restrictions in each state.
State border closures and lockdown areas may also impact on-site visits.
Ericom office locations
All visitors to the Ericom offices are required to scan the QR Code before entry is permitted. QR Codes will conveniently be made available at the point of entry. To safeguard our team, visitors on entry and exit, must first clear the temperature sensing camera positioned outside the front office door.
Remote working
We have taken the digital transformation path to enable support for our clients remotely. Where and when legislation requires, our team are equipped to work from home in short notice. Internal communication will be forwarded to our team outlining the current restrictions and compliance details at the time. It is compulsory staff adhere to these instructions. Ericom acts swiftly to government directives to ensure the safety of our staff and clients.
In this digital world we have empowered our company with many tools and mediums to allow for constant communication and video capabilities. We operate in a secure Multi- Factor Authentication (MFA) environment and are equipped to continue providing quality service.
Our suppliers
Many companies are seeing a global impact to supply chains and are taking steps to minimise impact to customers. While our suppliers are taking those steps, we may experience delays in responses and/or delivery of goods and services.
Key points – resources
- We have geo-redundancy with a mobilised team
- Our managed support services are provided remotely 24/7 so there is no risk to our staff or customers
- Our services are cloud-based
Key points – hardware
- Some products are experiencing delays of around 4-6 weeks, other hardware is relatively unaffected
- Distributors are updating us daily on changes and delays which in turn our Account Executives will pass on to our customers
- Ericom as the delivering partner, has limited control in the overall supply chain
Key points – customers
- Our communication channels with you may change especially if your staff are working remotely
- We may at times request your staff to run secure programs such as Webex, Teams and TeamViewer to rectify issues in lieu of on-site visits
- Management will communicate any changes as soon as they arise
Thank you for your understanding and patience, we are committed to working through these times together. Ericom management is constantly reviewing our plans to make sure we are prepared for any situation. If you have any feedback to help us support you better please reach out.
Ericom 1300 360 369
Internal Approach
Employee communication and support
We would like to take this opportunity to update you on the actions and precautions we are taking in relation to reducing the spread of COVID-19 and to keeping you safe in the workplace. Ericom is currently guided by the advice and responses provided by the Australian and State Governments
Hot spots and lockdown areas
Business restrictions are fluid and Ericom acts swiftly in accordance with the changing situations in each state. As hotspots and lockdown areas are identified and announced, internal staff communications will be issued and in most circumstances, to ensure the continued safety of our staff, management will announce our work from home policy to take effect.
Remote working and return to the office
Where possible we are continuing with business as usual from our locations. It is mandatory staff work from the office three days per week. The other two days staff are given the option to work remotely. Exceptions to this policy is when management have issued remote working directives.
Once staff are permitted to return to the office it will be in accordance with capacity restrictions per sqm issued by the relevant state at the time and any other restrictions imposed.
Any staff member showing signs of flu like symptoms must act responsibly and work from home if capable. Please notify your manager immediately.
NSW: Hotspot locations and alerts
VIC: Hotspot locations and alerts
Temperature testing
To safeguard our fellow team members, any staff member attending the office, on entry and exit, must first clear the temperature sensing camera positioned outside the front office door.
Face masks
Face masks must be worn in conjunction with the health orders in each state at all times, Ericom encourages staff that travel on public transport to wear masks during their travel and or when in public areas.
Ericom encourage the warning of face masks when moving around the office space during high levels of infection masks can be removed while sitting at desks.
Ericom recognises the role that a company needs to play in supporting the COVID-19 vaccination plans and are supporting our employees, customers and the community in providing a safe environment for all.
Ericom have introduced a vaccination policy that requires all staff to be fully vaccinated that have face-to- face contact with clients and staff this policy is in line with our obligations to state and federal guidelines in relation to accessing medical, aged care, educational and correctional facilities.
Border restrictions
At various times border restrictions are in place throughout the country. Several states require border crossing permits and self-isolation requirements. Please refer to the respective state to identify restrictions, exemptions, and enforcements at the relevant time.
Test and Isolate National Protocols
The federal government have issued guidelines around testing and isolation these protocols these protocols must be adhered to at all times and followed before returning to the office environment.
On-site visits
We understand these restrictions may have an impact on the projects delivery and services request, and to mitigate this we are employing alternate arrangements including telecommuting and remote access to deliver solutions to our customers.
Site visits are being reviewed on a case-by-case basis with strict adherence to social/physical distancing and lockdown restrictions being observed. We are seeing an increased number of organisations restricting non-essential visits to worksites in an attempt to reduce the spread of the virus. We advise that Ericom staff consult with customers directly to establish the urgency of on-site visits in order to reduce unnecessary risk.
When it comes to on-site jobs these restrictions may have an impact on the speed in which we can deliver our services, to ensure that we are observing safe distancing please ensure there is 1.5 meters between you and all other people at all times, this is not only to ensure your health but the health of our customers.
In the circumstance where it has been deemed necessary for an on-site client visit, Ericom staff must strictly adhere to the following in addition to the above requirements:
- A properly fitted face mask must be worn at all times while on-site
- Following the hand hygiene method before entering and after leaving client premises
- Follow the guideline that have been placed by state authorities in relation to authorised workers
- Have obtained the appropriate approvals by Ericom management prior to any travelling outside LGA’s

Office visitors and the QR code
All visitors to any of the Ericom offices must scan the QR code before entry will be permitted to the office/s and must be fully vaccinated to enter and Ericom property. The QR code will be made available on the entry doors to each office location. Visitors must also clear temperature testing. Note: the QR code scan is for all people entering the property.
If you have any concerns about your capacity to complete your duties under these restrictions, please speak directly with your manager who will advise you on how to proceed. Our agile approach to business will allow immediate policy changes as required.
Safe Work Australia has created web page with a number of best practice recommendations for workers who cannot work from home, the recommendations include social distancing of 1.5 meters, having staff wash their hands regularly for 20 seconds with soap as well as how to identify symptoms of COVID-19 in themselves and their co-workers. The full document has been made available to all staff. If you feel that you are becoming unwell, please leave the workplace and seek medical attention.
General Health Precautions
As concern rises it is important that everyone reduces the chance of getting any illness by following these precautions. Whilst there is a heightened level of anxiety across the globe it is more important than ever to practice good hygiene so that you protect yourself and others.
You can minimise your chances of getting sick or spreading symptoms by making sure you maintain effective hand hygiene, this includes:
- Washing your hands frequently with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water
Why? Washing your hands with an alcohol-based hand rub or soap and water kills the virus if it’s on your hands
- Maintain social distancing – maintain a minimum 1.5 metre distance between yourself and other people, particularly those who are coughing, sneezing or have a fever
Why? When someone who is infected with a respiratory disease like COVID-19 coughs or sneezes they project small droplets containing the virus, if you’re to close you can breathe in the virus
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
Why? Hands touch many surfaces which can be contained with the virus. If you touch your eyes, nose or mouth with your contaminated hands, you can transfer the virus from the surface to yourself
If you are feeling unwell, please ensure you stay at home to focus on getting better or go home if you begin to feel unwell at work. If your symptoms persist seek medical attention and provide details of your travel history.
When having respiratory symptoms, wear a surgical mask, avoid going to crowded places and seek medical advice promptly. The table below provides you identification of the symptoms of COVID-19.
General Preventative Measures