Case Studies

Each project Ericom delivers brings with it new perspectives and experiences, making us who we are today. Our clients span non-profits, corporations, small businesses and large government agencies, and we are proud to work with such an array of organisations in a multitude of sectors. We celebrate our customers’ wins and help them through their challenges because we know that success is built on relationships, not transactions.

What follows are a selected number of case studies that demonstrate our approach in action and showcase our capabilities.

Bluefin Resources partnered with Ericom for a tailored cyber security training program, reducing phishing risks and enhancing compliance without disrupting daily operations.

Bluefin Resources



Cyber Security

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Bluefin Resources has been connecting candidates to specialist employers for over twenty years, fostering a culture where teamwork meets individual growth to evolve career success.

With an awareness of the ever-present cyber threats looming behind Australian businesses, Bluefin understood the stakes: one innocent click on a phishing email, or a weak password choice could compromise the entire organisation. While Bluefin recognised the necessity for cyber security upgrades to protect their organisation’s integrity, they were uncertain about the best approach to increase their defences.

The challenges


As Bluefin’s managed service provider, Ericom understands their existing technology infrastructure, and so we recommended a cyber security training program to address Bluefin’s specific challenges and elevate their staff’s security awareness.


Ericom responded to Bluefin’s needs by implementing a comprehensive cyber security training program. From initial consultation to full deployment, the training was ready within 2 weeks and involved minimal effort from Bluefin as Ericom streamlined the delivery process within the existing infrastructure.

The online training format allowed staff to complete modules at their own convenience, minimising disruptions. Ongoing evaluations executed in quarterly cycles supports the team’s ability to remember the information long term.


Phishing resilience

Time savings

Bluefin’s phishing failure rate dropped significantly, positioning them in the top 25% globally for security awareness. Innovative setup saved 440 hours in staff training time compared to face-to-face training.

Compliance assurance

Bluefin meets third-party requirements by demonstrating robust security measures during assessments, showing their commitment to data protection.

ASMS implemented Ericom’s recommended cybersecurity training, featuring phishing simulations and ongoing education. The results significantly enhanced ASMS employees’ ability to identify and respond to cyber threats.

Australian Steel Mill Services



Cyber Security


ASMS is a construction materials company specialising in steel mill services and other industrial solutions, where they produce road bases, cement, and agricultural products from recovered iron and steel resources. For over five years, ASMS has trusted Ericom for IT support and system management, ensuring smooth operations and security.

ASMS has been vigilant against online dangers, particularly social engineering, which manipulates individuals into divulging confidential information through tactics like phishing emails. Recently, our collaborative efforts addressed a potential threat, and ASMS has decided to implement additional security to further fortify their defences, ensuring they remain protected against such threats in the future.

The challenges


Ericom recommended implementing regular cybersecurity training, specifically focusing on phishing attacks and social engineering. The goal was to empower ASMS employees with the knowledge and skills needed to recognise and respond effectively to threats.


The cybersecurity training project was put together over 2 – 4 weeks. Initially, we focused on building and integrating the cybersecurity training platform into ASMS’s existing systems. This behind-the-scenes effort ensured minimal disruptions to their daily operations.

Once the groundwork was laid, we launched the first phishing simulation—a critical component of the training as it provided much-needed details on each employee’s existing knowledge of cyber threats. We pair simulations with quarterly training modules to ensure we don’t trick trainees; our training is designed to be easily understood and gradually increases in complexity. This approach ensures employees are guided step-by-step through the world of social engineering, enhancing their cybersecurity awareness. As employees progressed through the program, their vigilance sharpened, and they became adept at identifying suspicious emails and social engineering attempts.


Improved vigilance

Timely reminders

All ASMS employees became more adept at identifying suspicious emails and social engineering attempts Ericom’s automated reminders reinforced training and has been successful in keeping employees engaged.

Proactive protection

Detecting a missed sign-up, Ericom demonstrated their attentiveness by promptly resolving the issue before even ASMS were aware of it.

Camden Council paired with Ericom to transform their technology infrastructure and meet the demands of a growing community. The transition to a cloud-based contact centre retained existing phone numbers, minimising service disruption.

Camden Council

Camden Council stands as one of Australia’s fastest-growing local government areas, experiencing remarkable population and employee growth over the past 10 years with the team growing from 200 to 650 staff members. However, the council faced challenges in aligning its aging technology infrastructure to meet the evolving demands of a larger workforce.

The COVID-19 crisis and government requirements to move to the cloud exposed the limitations of the outdated platform, which did not provide the council enough flexibility for remote working conditions. The need to securely work from home, return to the office, and a hybrid of both accelerated Camden Council’s journey to the cloud.

With local government responsibilities on the horizon, Ericom faced a short timeframe to complete the solution. Following Camden Council’s tender process, Ericom and Telstra initiated the transition by expanding the existing Microsoft Teams telephony and introducing a new cloud-based contact centre powered by Genesys. This approach ensured seamless integration of the new cloud platforms while preserving the council’s existing phone numbers, minimising community disruption.

Ericom and Telstra remain committed to maintaining and evolving Camden Council’s telephony system by designing enhancements to the new platform. Phase 2 is about to begin, which aims to resolve a persistent challenge caused by the merger of two separate council offices into a single location, where users need to remember both extensions and the main number of the originating office for internal call transfers. By addressing this issue, the goal is to streamline internal transfers and improve communication within the council.

Through a collaborative partnership with Ericom and Telstra, Camden Council has successfully transitioned to a new cloud-based Microsoft and Genesys platform. This transformation empowers their staff to adapt to evolving work environments, aligning with the council’s work-from-home and flexible working strategy. With a continued focus on providing exceptional service and innovative solutions, Ericom remains the trusted technology partner for Camden Council.

Ericom expedited Shoalhaven City Council’s Genesys implementation, ensuring their customer-centric contact centre transformation was completed within the required timeframe, allowing staff to work from the office, home, or both.

Shoalhaven City Council

Shoalhaven City Council in NSW highly values collaboration and community involvement. Ensuring seamless community access to council services lies at the heart of their mission, as evidenced by the growth from a few customer experience officers to a fully functioning team. In 2019, the council embarked on a journey to enhance the overall customer experience throughout the entire organisation. The goal was clear: to revamp the frontline customer service to ensure seamless community access to council services. This commitment to customer-centricity drove the need for modernizing outdated technology. The urgency of this transformation became even more apparent during the COVID-19 outbreak when staff had to self-isolate in accordance with government and health guidelines.

The first step was to establish a modern contact centre to streamline customer inquiries at the initial point of contact. This set the stage for a government tender process, with Ericom and Telstra emerging as successful respondents. Over seven months, the telephony platform was transitioned from the legacy system to Microsoft Teams Calling and Genesys Cloud. The timing was crucial, as a mere three weeks after the project went live, the entire Shoalhaven City Council contact centre team were required to transition to remote work.

The impact of this transformation on Shoalhaven City Council has been instrumental in maintaining their business continuity over the last year. The cloud-based configuration allows staff to work from the office, home, or a combination of both as needed. Additionally, the new call centre platform and Teams’ call queues have streamlined information flow, ensuring timely task completion and enabling the back-office staff to focus on more specialised responsibilities.

The partnership between Ericom and Telstra with Shoalhaven City Council has continued post-implementation, with ongoing efforts to upgrade end-of-life equipment and maximise the potential of the new cloud structure. Our adaptability and expertise have expanded beyond traditional council operations as we’ve embraced new business areas, extending the Genesys platform into visitor centres and tourist parks to further enhance customer experience and community engagement.

The work with Shoalhaven City Council has empowered their workforce by improving communication and flexibility, crucial elements for their continued success in effectively serving the community and furthering their mission of collaboration and engagement. In the words of Shoalhaven City Council themselves: “We’re all looking forward to more great things to come. Great team effort, thanks again, everyone.”

NAATI and Ericom worked together to enhance their cybersecurity framework by utilising collaboration between the teams and the Australian Cyber Security Centre’s Essential Eight, ensuring a more secure future.


NAATI (National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters) serves as the national standards and certifying authority for interpreters and translators in Australia and plays a pivotal role in supporting essential services and government bodies. As cybersecurity demands increased in an era of stricter government regulations, NAATI recognised the need for robust security measures to protect their sensitive information and approached Ericom to complete a security audit of their Microsoft environment.

To address NAATI’s cybersecurity needs, Ericom recommended implementing the Australian Government’s Essential Eight framework. Developed in collaboration with the Australian Signals Directorate and the Australian Cyber Security Centre, the Essential Eight consists of eight strategies designed to complement each other and provide comprehensive coverage against various cyber threats.

The strategies include:
1. Application control2. Patch application3. Configuring Microsoft Office macro settings
4. User application hardening5. Restricting administrative privileges6. Patching operating systems
7. Multi-factor authentication8. Regular backups

The framework defines four maturity levels (Maturity Level 0 through to Maturity Level 3) to gauge the organisation’s cybersecurity readiness.

Ericom embarked on a seven-month journey to elevate NAATI’s cybersecurity framework to Level 3 and ensure its ongoing maintenance. One of the standout features of this project was Ericom’s strategy to empower NAATI’s internal staff to complete the necessary work. Ericom acted as the guiding force, overseeing and directing the efforts of NAATI’s IT team.

The project’s success was driven by Ericom’s meticulous planning. A comprehensive Statement of Work was developed that detailed every task required to complete the project. The document also outlined different levels of Ericom’s service teams and their availability, as well as the allocation of work hours between Ericom and NAATI. All tasks were tracked and managed using an online project management tool, fostering transparency and accountability.

The implementation of the Essential Eight framework brought about significant improvements for NAATI. While adapting to the “new working practice,” which included the introduction of multi-factor authentication, NAATI staff experienced minimal disruption thanks to Ericom’s custom-built communication channels. The IT team seamlessly communicated necessary changes, ensuring that all staff members were informed of the reasons behind the changes and their implications for the organisation.

As a predominantly Microsoft-based organisation, NAATI operates extensively in the cloud, leveraging Azure and Office 365. Ericom’s objective was to achieve Level 3 of the Essential Eight, a subjective goal. However, we were able to validate the success by achieving an impressive Microsoft Secure Score which is a challenging feat given the numerous elements assessed, including applications, authentication, and devices.

Throughout the project, Ericom maintained an open line of communication with NAATI, fostering collaboration and ensuring that both parties were aligned on their approach. This pragmatic and transparent approach resulted in the project being completed on time and within budget. In conclusion, Ericom’s partnership with NAATI exemplified the power of pragmatic solutions in achieving cybersecurity excellence, ultimately safeguarding NAATI’s sensitive data and ensuring a more secure future.

Victoria state government logo

As the DHHS transitioned to the national disability insurance scheme, Ericom (then M2K) played a key role in rolling out crucial mobile access to staff professional development and communications tools.

The Department of Health and Human Services

The Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) aspires for all Victorians to be healthy, safe and able to lead a life they value. DHHS deliver policies, programs and services that support and enhance the health and wellbeing of all Victorians.

Like many government departments and Australian businesses, moving to the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) presented new challenges for DHHS. It needed to provide its employees with fast, mobile access to online tools to facilitate their professional development and improve communication during the transition period.

DHHS engaged Telstra and M2K to develop a mobility-based solution, including the delivery of 600 mobile devices. Telstra and M2K were selected in part for their experience successfully implementing similar solutions for government and private sector customers.

Telstra and M2K conducted extensive discovery sessions to better understand DHHS’ challenges, end user requirements and environment. Building on this knowledge, they delivered a solution that included pre-staging, deployment and a centrally-managed platform. The solution design was kept simple to support a positive user experience and drive adoption – the end user experience was absolutely front of mind.

With this knowledge, the solution delivered was pre-staging, deployment and an ongoing centrally managed platform.

The outcome has been the successful delivery of 600 devices with a positive take-up by end users. The thoroughness and time invested upfront was critical to minimise device issues. M2K have provided proactive reporting and have been responsive to the changing needs of DHHS, always with the end user in mind.

Through True Partnership, Telstra and M2K have worked collaboratively with DHHS to identify our challenges, provide a clear and targeted solution and have delivered exceptional outcomes for DHHS and our teams. We are looking forward to our next project.

Ericom acquired M2K in January 2020

Victoria state government logo
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